Author Jim Rubart is killing me!

Book of Days: A NovelI died and learned to live free in James L. Rubart’s recent suspense novel, Book of Days. You’ll have to read it yourself to see all of what I mean but let me tell you a little about the book.

Much like Frank Peretti’s, The Oath or Prophet, Rubart takes a spiritual concept and illustrates it in a compelling and fascinating story.

Cameron Vaux is plagued by the fear that he is loosing his mind to Alzheimer’s. His father is in advanced stages of the disease. Cameron is convinced that if he finds the Book of Days his dad talks about in a rare coherent conversation, he will be cured. He sets out on an adventure in a small town in central Oregon, filled with danger and romance. Cameron faces some of my own deepest fears, and yet, the story Rubart tells is full of hope and ultimately freedom.

I cried through the first two chapters, rallied for Cameron through the fast paced middle and celebrated in his victory at the end. This novel is a must read! I will always have a copy, or two, on my shelf.

Jessie Ann

For more on my biggest fear and my personal experience with Alzheimer’s see this previous post; Things I Can’t Talk About.


Filed under Book Blab, Twenty Something

6 responses to “Author Jim Rubart is killing me!

  1. Thought of you the WHOLE time I was reading this. And what about the theme? Oy!

  2. I have been looking for a good read to sink my teeth into. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. This has nothing to do with your post, but I found this site: It’s put together by former muslims and it explores the fallacies of the Qu’ran line by line. I thought you might find it helpful in the book you’re writing.

    ❤ Cuz Rachel

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