Faith-Family-Fun & Fiction

I’ve moved!

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

I’m an anti-blogging, mom of five, living the redneck life on a small Idaho farm. God gave me the gift of creative story telling and a passion for life.

Check out some of the posts in the following categories…

Long and Short of It:    Stories and Bible study. I love the Lord with all my heart soul and mind.

Motherhood Uncensored:  Raising four boys and one redneck Tinkerbell.

Craft/Art Coral: Mixed media art, paint, crayons, collage, crochet, fabric creations and more for kids and adults from a home school mom.

Farm Friends: From my big ol’ draft horse to chicken bums.

Journey to Publication: Ideas, resources, becoming an author.

My current novel in progress:
co-authored by my husband Matt

National talk show host, Clark Jacobson seeks to expose the Egyptian politician whose life work is planting “churches” designed to bring the three monotheistic religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) under one roof. When the Egyptian senator announces he will run for US President and his exotic secretary allegedly accuses Clark of being Islamophobic and Anti-American, the struggle gets even more personal.

A redemption story inspired by the biblical account of Joseph

Visit My Website

Purpose, Passion, Strength!

“Like a shot of vitamin J”


Filed under Random, Reality, Ruse

Author Jim Rubart is killing me!

Book of Days: A NovelI died and learned to live free in James L. Rubart’s recent suspense novel, Book of Days. You’ll have to read it yourself to see all of what I mean but let me tell you a little about the book.

Much like Frank Peretti’s, The Oath or Prophet, Rubart takes a spiritual concept and illustrates it in a compelling and fascinating story.

Cameron Vaux is plagued by the fear that he is loosing his mind to Alzheimer’s. His father is in advanced stages of the disease. Cameron is convinced that if he finds the Book of Days his dad talks about in a rare coherent conversation, he will be cured. He sets out on an adventure in a small town in central Oregon, filled with danger and romance. Cameron faces some of my own deepest fears, and yet, the story Rubart tells is full of hope and ultimately freedom.

I cried through the first two chapters, rallied for Cameron through the fast paced middle and celebrated in his victory at the end. This novel is a must read! I will always have a copy, or two, on my shelf.

Jessie Ann

For more on my biggest fear and my personal experience with Alzheimer’s see this previous post; Things I Can’t Talk About.


Filed under Book Blab, Twenty Something

Save a horse, ride a hound dog.

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

I had hoped to report to you that wrestling a Coonhound that is twice your size does- in fact- induce labor but it has been nearly 16 hrs since the event and I’m still with child. Or at least I was when I wrote this post. None-the-less, you might enjoy my adventure.

Why, might I ask, do these things ALWAYS happen when I’m very pregnant?

Here she is, “hiding” before her home surgery. Poor girl, really thinks I can’t see her. Insert the dopiest voice you can conjure up, “If I don’t look du’ humans in the eye they’ll never find me.”

I spotted her limping and discovered a small bone or quill stuck out from the pad of one of her toes. I grabbed a pair of tweezers and two strapping–er’ I mean scrawny little boys–to help me. I had Scarfunkle and Captain Obvious each hold a leg while I sat on the third leg (10 mo pregnant, mind you) and grasped the offending foot.

One little tweeze and that big ol’ hound was bucking and twisting. She sent Captain flying one direction and Scarfunkle plopped down the other, while I hung on for dear life. “Just…let…me…HOLD STILL WILLAMINA!” Then, just like those strange water wiggler toys grandma had at her house when I was a kid, that loose skinned hound slipped out from under me and I too took a ride. The three of us lay on the floor and Willamina hurried back to her “hiding” place. After several attempts we realized weren’t going to be able to do a darn thing so I sent her back out to wait for Matt. I hoped the snow would numb it some and keep any swelling down.

Of course I forgot all about it until we’d loaded the kids in the car to head to evening church. Matt went to put the dogs in their kennel and suddenly my memory jarred. Oops! Upon inspection we knew it couldn’t wait. The swelling had begun and the foreign object was now flush with the pad of her foot.

Hubby got the needle nose pliers. I got the scissors and tweezers. Scarfunkle grabbed a bag of ice and Captain Obvious tried to subdue the other restless Thinglets buckled in their car seats.

Surgery began and oh boy did she protest.

We sent Scarfunkle out to the car with a message, “Pray boys, pray!”

Let me tell you, there ain’t no more offensive odor than a stressed out hound dog! She excreted her stench and whimpered when Matt sat on her head. One hundred sixty + lbs of dog is something to be reckoned with especially one as wimpy as she is! She wanted nothing to do with our toe saving adventure and she let us know it. I sat on the rear half of her while Matt restrained the front half and I went to work.

Ten minutes on ice gave me just barely enough numb to cut around the thorn or bone or whatever it was. The prayers of three little boys were answered when in one tug I was able to get the darn thing out. It was a good inch long and stuck straight in. Poor girl!

Poor us!

We needed a bath. No time for that. I feel sorry for the people who sat next to us in church. Even a change of clothes and three or four hand washings couldn’t eliminate the stench she let off. Gotta love a hound dog!


Filed under Farm Friends, Random, Reality, Ruse, True Tales

Redneck chic jewelry holders

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

I couldn’t decide if my new plan for my jewelry is seriously hick or more chic so I’ll call it both. Do you have a more creative name for these necklace and earring holders? This was a “waiting for baby” distraction so I’m plumb out of creativity. I had barely enough brain power to wield a glue gun. Hubby wouldn’t even let me use the tin snips. 🙂 Probably with good cause. I’ve been nutty lately!

The rusty ol’ rake head was easy enough to come by. Just beware of rake hunting in the yard if there is likely to be a handle attached. Ouch!

Turn said rake handle upside down and hang from a screw anchored to the wall. Use a good molly or be sure to hit a stud with a long enough screw. That puppy with all that gold (I mean costume jewelry) is really pretty heavy. I tied a ribbon around the top and attached a cute pin to cover the screw head.

Next I made the earring frame using a .50 cent thrift store find and a piece of vintage fabric.

Using the cardboard that the frame came with, I cut my fabric, leaving a generous border on all sides. At first I planned to use the right side but then I decided it would be too busy when the earrings are supposed to be the decoration so Matt suggested I turn it inside out. What a smart husband I have. I would have never considered using the WRONG side.


Once I had it cut to size I cut out the corners, even angling back a little bit, so that I could wrap and glue the fabric to the cardboard.

Hot glue that puppy down. Make sure it is good and tight but don’t buckle the cardboard. And by all means, don’t burn yourself like I did. Maybe that’s why Matt kept me from the tin snips!

Lastly I had Matt cut a square of chicken wire. I sorta wish it was the octagon shape and not square. We used the smallest stuff we had lying around. He cut the corners like I had with the fabric and then bent it around the outside of the front of the frame. I tried putting it in the frame with the fabric but it was too tight and wouldn’t allow the backs of the earrings through. Much too frustrating to use on a daily basis.

Wala! A work of art as well as a practical solution to my earring collection. I have to admit, big earrings are about the only “bling” I’m addicted to.

Any questions? I’m sure my directions are as clear as mud.


Filed under Craft/Art Coral

Stop it with the birthdays already!

 Well, it’s been a little while now but Captain Obvious had another birthday and I had yet another moment of realization, “I am grown up!”

 How does it happen?

No one can say. But I was picking dandelion bouquets one day and filling little vases with my children’s beautiful weeds the next.

I love this first picture of us as parents. You might not be able to tell except the red face but Captain was taking a breath in the middle of a good cry and Matt and I are laughing.

Who would have known that this little screaming baby would turn into a boy?

A boy who loves the Lord.

A boy who helps with his siblings.

A boy who loves animals.

A boy, whom a the ripe age of 9 is already passionate about truth and faith.

Where do they come from?

I am certainly nothing special.

After all, wasn’t I nine just last week?


No one has ever been able to describe it and mother’s will forever say, “I can remember my childhood like it was yesterday.”

I am in awe at the wonder of God’s creation!


Beautiful, unique, challenging, growing, child of mine.

Side note – Captain Obvious has requested a nick name change. I haven’t decided yet if I can bear to give up my “authority”. He would like to petition the blog for the name Doolittle instead of Captain Obvious.



Filed under Motherhood Uncensored

Cute and Easy Frig Magnet Craft

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

I finally got sick of looking at “Bob’s Plumbing” (no offense Bob) and several random chipped up porcelain refrigerator magnets. How about you? What’s your worst magnet?

To remedy that, the kids and I had another craft day. This was so easy and cheap. I think I’ll do it again and next time I will splurge on stronger magnets for all the pictures and cardstock I hang.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • cute bright colored papers (even recycled cards and mail work)
  • large glass gems (I got mine at the dollar store)
  • magnets
  • glue (so far Elmer’s worked)
  • scissors

We cut out squares of paper and glued the decorative side of the paper to the back of the gem so the pattern shows through the bubble. Be sure to spread and smash the glue across the entire gem. Then we let them dry for at least an hour. This was a nice project to start before nap/reading hour and finish after. Once they were dry we trimmed the excess paper and stuck magnets to the back, pressing down hard to attach. Now write yourself a note and try out your new magnets! When the kids drop them all over the floor and break every last one of them, it will only cost pennies to update.


Filed under Craft/Art Coral

More Farm Workers. Welcome Mini Me!

21 inches 8lbs 3 oz healthy boy

Three hours old. Chunky and happy.


Filed under Random, Reality, Ruse

My daughter’s in a chicken suit!

Gotta love a two year old who wants to dress herself.

Today she chose a very unconventional coat–a chicken suit. But there wasn’t any convincing her otherwise.

Daddy said it’s all good, it goes well with our tarp “barn”.


Filed under Farm Friends, Motherhood Uncensored, Thru the Lens

4th trimester-10 months and holding

A friend knitted this adorable little set for Mini Me. I hope he still fits in whever he decides to join this craziness we call life. Whoa! Did you spot all those typos? I’m going to leave them to prove how dog gone overdone I am. 🙂


Filed under Random, Reality, Ruse

Baby necessities. Really?

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

It’s  amazing to me how many things we consider “necessity”. I wrote a post previously about surviving on one income and today, as the date for my son’s arrival approaches, I found myself thinking about baby necessities and what is truly helpful and what is just plain extra. I must be nesting! Can you tell from the baby car seat torn apart for deep cleaning? 🙂

When you are on a tight budget it is helpful to identify the extras and not get caught with stars in your eyes. I’ve sure had my eye on a few unnecessary and expensive accessories. But even the inexpensive things add up. So… what are you baby “necessities” and the things you know you can live without?

Baby necessities I DON’T use:

  • diaper bag (in the traditional sense) – I have a cute, larger than normal purse and I put my wallet in that and a couple diapers. Sometimes wipes. Yep, that’s all folks, for real! Mind you, my normal purse fits only a checkbook and some bills, maybe a couple of tubes of lip gloss.
  • backpack or front carrier – I put my mind to learning how to use the Moby wrap (which amounts to a long piece of fabric, you can purchase enough at Joanne’s to make your own for under $15). Once you actually learn how to do it, the Moby is the easiest, most adjustable and most comfortable carrier on the market. But don’t neglect the practice or it will just frustrate you.
  • changing pad or table – That’s what blankets and couches or beds are for. 🙂
  • baby toys and/or items of furniture – Why bother when they grow out of these things so fast? I’ve had one child that loved a swing and so I reluctantly kept that around. No exersaucer, no bouncy thing, no floor gym (that’s how babies get sat on by siblings ;)). A car seat or small lightweight age appropriate seat is helpful but not all those hurky (Did I made up that word) furniture pieces that mean you have to put your couch in storage!
  • I’ve never had a car seat condom. Oops, I’m so sorry I meant winter car seat cover!

Oh I could think of a ton more but I’ll stop. There are some thing that do make mothering so much easier but I’m so grumpy as I write this I can’t think of many. That’s what happens when you are days from your due date and snowed in and hopefully by the time you read this he will be here. Maybe you will remember something I’ve forgotten below and help me out of my funk! Somehow I think this funk might be here to stay until the baby arrives. Ack!

Baby items I do use:

  • disposable wipes and disposable diapers especially when you are away from home.
  • Moby wrap – or homemade version
  • bebePod seat or other safe place to sit a curious baby- lots of different brands available
  • siblings – these are a must for entertainment and help!

Since everyone is different you may totally disagree so…. Now its your turn.


Filed under Motherhood Uncensored

Muslim for a day

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

Dressed as a Muslim, I was invisible. There were only two people during my day out on the town that regarded me as equal. Read about them below.

I finally got up the nerve to conduct an experiment in which I wore a veil around town and reflected on people’s reactions. I did not intend it to offend anyone but to gain more sympathy and understanding for those practicing religions that include wearing one, especially in my relatively homogenous monoculture.

The pictures in this post are me as Fadia, the heroine in my current work in progress, a christian suspense, where the clash between Muslim culture and American ideals is a large part of the plot. In her culture this is called hijab.

Here is what I learned.

I prayed, before embarking on my adventure, that God would give me insight and deeper compassion in understanding His heart for all people. Then Matt and I headed out to Wal Mart. He dressed simply in his usual–jeans and long sleeved t-shirt. He was nervous because people around here tend to be a little bit prejudice or at least ignorant. Not because they intend to be but there isn’t a lot of diversity up here in North Idaho so it is not something people experience. Matt grew up in California where the opposite is true. And he misses that melting pot lifestyle.

We spent almost two hours at Wal Mart where, except for the veil, I acted my friendly, casual self. In all that time only three people smiled at me (not counting the checker). One was a man who gave me a cursory glance and a meek smile. Another was an elderly woman in the bathroom. The third is the only person the entire time whom I felt looked at me like another human being. While the other two smiles were appreciated, this woman was different. She was also, the first person who didn’t steer across the aisle or look me up and down after I’d passed.

Matt noted that when people avoided looking directly at me, they would turn and gawk after passing. He said it wasn’t a disdainful look but more naivety or curiosity.

The woman in the blue sweater spotted me at the end of an isle. Her eyes sparkled with interest and she blinked only a brief second before looking me full in the face, radiating peace and confidence. I could tell that at first glance, I caught her off guard but she must have had a conversation with herself in that split second and made a decision to choose grace. Her smile is something I can hardly describe because I’ve rarely felt the “outsider” with an opportunity to evaluate what someone must “think” of me. We saw each other offten throughout the shopping excursion and her reaction never changed. I guess it was a smile that extended an offering of friendship despite differences, acceptance regardless of my circumstance, stage in life, religious preference…. It was so fresh and vibrant to be regarded as such after a long shopping experience where I was virtually invisible to most humans.

I hope she knows how appreciated her love was. Her grace must have come from a heart forgiven, unconditional love accepted and a life surrendered to Christ.

We made a quick stop at the mall where I was a little bit less of an anomaly. The young people milling about didn’t take much notice. But an elderly couple passed us in the hall when we left a store where I’d bought a new pair of sweats for after the baby comes. The husband gripped his wife’s arm possessively and looked us both up and down with fire in his eyes. That was the first time anyone took notice of Matt.

I realized that the man thought if I was a Muslim woman then Matt must be a terrorist. How sad that this was his only conclusion. Matt and I talked about all the other possibilities. I could be Jewish, or a cancer patient or simply cold…. And yet he gave us a look like we intended to blow up the mall.

We decided it was time for dinner and so Matt went for the car. I chose a chair in the food court near the door to wait and the most ironic thing happened. A Muslim family came in. Okay, now I’m stereotyping but they sounded like they were speaking another language and the woman wore a beautiful pale blue veil and modest clothing. Funny enough, beneath the veil, she, her husband and her two children more western than I me. She had trendy jeans, and a hooded sweater.

She was the second person to whom I was not invisible. After they had ordered some food she went out of her way to steer the baby stroller next to my table. Her face beamed with recognition and almost relief. I waved at the little guy and her daughter, about 6, played and smiled at me too. We didn’t speak any words but we both knew the other understood. We were two islands in a sea of unfamiliar, lonely and wanting, compelled to smile at each other. We had to band our hearts together in the brief time we had before it was gone again. I realized through that encounter how desperate and empty it is to live in a foreign place and be looked at as the “untouchable”.



Filed under My WIP, Random, Reality, Ruse, True Tales

Falls Park

We love our local parks. And with winter mud and hail, we had the place to ourselves! This is the dam at Post Falls on the Spokane River across the water from Q’emelin Park

So what about you? Are you a fair weather park goer? Or do you venture out into the elements? I met one of my dearest friends out at the park on a chilly, late fall day. I’m glad I didn’t stay home.


Filed under Local Digs, Thru the Lens

Posterior Presentation and Chiropractic

Would you like to possibly reduce the length of your labor? How about turn a baby that is breech or posterior? Try a chiropractor with specialized training.

This is the 3rd (and last) in a series of posts I’ve written with ramblings on pregnancy, birthing, chiropractic that works for turning babies in utero and more.

It started here…I feel like I’m on the big upward climb of a daunting rollercoaster. Click, click, click…. When will I reach the top? I’m afraid but elated. How long will it last? My heart beats a crazy rhythm. Oooo boy, here we goooooooooo!

Posterior Presentation and Chiropractic

Baby has been riding posterior consistently since he settled head down. That fact makes it feel like there are two babies jostling in there but the ultrasound confirmed he is solo. I googled ways to encourage baby to turn and tried all manner of exercises but he remained stubborn and my body continued to complain. It is hard on the lower back and pelvic region to carry a baby posterior. Ouch! I finally got time to make a chiropractic appointment and after two visits my muscles and joints are feeling much, much better. I’ve even slept through the night the last several days.

I found this cute picture and an article on other methods of turning baby around at Fruitful Vines and Olive Shoots.

After my 3rd appointment the baby turned and has stayed in the anterior (correct) position since. Chiropractic for babies in less than ideal positions really works! My provider practices Webster Technique and specializes in Pregnancy. He can encourage baby back out of the birth canal if necessary to turn him and can also work wonders with breech babies. I wouldn’t presume to say that all chiropractic providers are prepared for the extra demands and skills required for women with basketball bellies but I know I have received many benefits from chiropractic during pregnancy. It is even said to significantly reduce laboring time because the pelvis is balanced and relaxed.

This fifth pregnancy has been admittedly harder in many ways than the others but now that I’m close I realize what the work has been for. I can’t wait to hold my tiny little boy and finally know what his face looks like, if he has hair or not. He could even be the first redhead in the family.

It brings a smile to my face to wonder at how the other kids will welcome him or not. Tee hee!

I’m ready, bring it on! I’m going to start walking, hiking, climbing stairs, whatever it takes. I can’t wait to bring my little guy into the world and once again experience the miracle of birth!

Thank you Captain Obvious for taking my picture!


Filed under Motherhood Uncensored

Hiking and hoping for baby to come.



Filed under Just Me, Random, Reality, Ruse, Thru the Lens

Choices in Fertility

This is the 2nd in a series of posts I’ve written with ramblings on pregnancy, birthing, chiropractic that works for turning babies in utero and more.

It started here…I feel like I’m on the big upward climb of a daunting rollercoaster. Click, click, click…. When will I reach the top? I’m afraid but elated. How long will it last? My heart beats a crazy rhythm. Oooo boy, here we goooooooooo!

How funny that this post is going up right after Valentine’s Day.

Choices in Fertility

I never thought of myself as the mothering type and yet I’m on baby five! We’ve had choices along this way and I wouldn’t do a thing different. All except the timing of my first child (I think that one tends to surprise a lot of people but I’m NOT complaining), my kids have been planned. One option I’ve used: birth control pills (various different low hormone types) made me sick in more than one way. The “permanent” options out there are not fool proof, not to mention expensive as well as risky. So after going the mainstream route for years, dissatisfied and misrable, I now choose to know about my body. I love to know!

When I first read Taking Charge of Your Own Fertility I was angry that no one had told me the simple facts one can learn just by paying attention. I quit wallowing and decided to be a good student of my body from then on.

When to do something permanent:

I asked my midwife after delivering my 3rd, “When do you know it is time to do something permanent. When it is time to be done?”

She said, “You’ll feel like your family is complete. You will know that you are whole.”

There is always a chance that this is the last pregnancy but I still can’t shake the feeling that we are missing someone. I won’t be surprised if God blesses us once again. And no, that doesn’t mean I don’t know how it happens! 🙂 In fact, I’ve been so consistant and successful charting that with three out of four of my children I went into labor on my due date. The last, my drama queen wanted to make a grand entrance, she was late.

When you aren’t ready for the “snip” but want a workable, inexpensive option in birth planning:

Want tips on knowing your body and successful birth/cycle planning, simply by applying knowledge your body already supplies you? I’d be happy to answer question OR pick up Taking Charge of Your Fertility at the local library. If you agree with the method, you might need to buy it to refer to. If you don’t, it costs less than a doctors appointment. 🙂

What I understand about how the Fertility Awareness Method differs from other methods is that it is NOT the rhythm method. It used scientific truths to help you learn how to chart what YOUR body does (not the average woman) because we all know, none of us is “average” right? 🙂 Where several other methods use only two ways of tracking your changes, F.A.M. uses three and I will tell you that I was a slacker and ignored the 3rd with this last baby, which caused me to be convinced he was a girl based on timing but I was neglecting a necessary part of my chart.

I started this method with paper charts and the mystery of trying to understand my own charts but now I use their handy computer program which interprets your chart for you. Not to mention there have a great online forum.

Infertility So, here I am, in the last few weeks of pregnancy and I count it such a blessing. My heart bleeds for my dear friends who have not been able to conceive or who find themselves without ever considering the question “how many kids will we have” because even having one has been difficult a journey. I love you all. I constantly remind myself that each discomfort, challenge and even pain is a miracle that I am priveledged to have. Some long and crave to experience it just once.

If you are still trying and frustrated by the lack of answers you receive, Taking Charge of Your Fertility might be a great resource for you too. I’ve been a part of the joy when someone who had previously lost her babies, finally delivered without the use of infertility drugs. Again, it’s cheaper than a doctor appointment and doesn’t hurt to try. Knowledge can be power.


Filed under Motherhood Uncensored

Valentines Day Cute Picture Card Craft

Please join me at my new web home and don’t forget to like the Blog Schmog Facebook community HERE.

We put together a pretty picture card for Valentines day (or any occasion) using scrap art and sewing supplies I had on hand. Each of my kids ages 2-9 got to make their own and the result is still really cute! Of course, I had to do the cutting on Peewee’s.


  • 1″ pictures
  • scrapbook paper or other colorful paper (for a fun twist, you could have the kids make their own)
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • hole punch
  • ribbon
  • button

You’ll need to print various pictures. Approximately 1″ size. Regular printer paper works fine and is easy for the kids to glue. Cut out the pictures, then have the kids select their background paper. I used a large scrapbook paper deck. You’ll need 18″x 2″ strips of paper so plan accordingly.

Fold the paper into four equal sections. I did this by first folding the right sides together the long way (18″ in half so you can’t see the pattern) then folding back each side so the pattern shows. An accordian with print on one side and blank on the other. Here is Captain Obvious with his folded and ready to go.

Next we glued the pictures to the pretty side of the paper, being careful to avoid the creases. The kids did this themselves and came up with some really fun ways to place their pictures. I didn’t censor them at all except to slide an image over slightly if it overlapped the edge. Scarfunkle is pleased with his card. He chose to use a flag button and red and white ribbon, reminding me that this is a great craft for any occasion.

Punch a hole in one end of your picture card. Darn, I couldn’t find my hole punch so I carefully punched a hole with a dull pencil. Once your hole is punched you will need to select matching ribbon and a button. Cut an approximately 24″ piece of ribbon. You may need a little more if you have trouble (like I did) getting the ribbon to thread through the button and end up fraying the ends. Below is Loud Kiddington’s “matching” ribbon selection and his very own placement of pictures.

Once the pictures are dried enough to handle the card–we glued everything in the process–you can thread the ribbon through the hole, leaving a 1″ tail then thread through your button (on the front side), back through the button and the hole to the back of your card. Fold the card up and wrap the ribbon around twice then wrap the end of the ribbon around the button.

I didn’t have to tie any knots, the ribbon was snug in the button and wrapped nicely but you may have to get creative if you ribbon is silky or narrow and doesn’t want to stay. Peewee inspects her card after I’ve wrapped it up. “Where my boys?” she asks.

Below is the card, wrapped up and ready to go. We’ll have to see how much postage is since I included a button. 🙂 The end result is such a cute card and would sit nicely on someone’s work desk or counter. You could even attach a couple magnets to the back if you know it’s likely to go straight on the frig.


Filed under Craft/Art Coral